Classic physics
The ratio of the angular velocity change Δω of the rotating rigid body from the instant t to the corresponding time interval Δt is...
Einstein's famous mass equation E=mc^2, E for energy, m for mass, and c for speed of light. An important result of relativity is ...
The parts of the object that are elastically deformed also have potential energy due to the elastic interaction. This potential en...
Chebyshev Pi LC High-Pass Filter Calculator The Chebyshev type filter is named in honor of Pafnuty Chebyshev because their mathem...
What is the relationship between data converter jitter, phase noise and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)? Clock jitter is a problem bec...
App description Enter any of V, dBV, dBuV in Amplitude to find the other two Usage example Amplitude : u=1V Amplitude :u=120dBu...
App description Calculating elastic modulus E = modulus of elasticity d = density V = speed C = Cauchy number Usage example Input...
App description Calculation of loss factor K = loss factor HL = head loss g = gravity acceleration V = flow rate Usage example In...
App description Manning equation online calculation Calculation of the roughness coefficient, flow rate, hydraulic radius, and slo...
App description Subwoofer discharge port calculation: enclosure volume or for box, total speaker fs, air compliance Regarding the ...
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